Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 26: Chamberlain to Mitchell, South Dakota

Relatively short ride of 72 miles today and I spent it talking with another rider so saw virtually nothing of the scenery. Not that there was anything very remarkable to see-- we are in the breadbasket and that pretty much means fields and silos. I did notice two huge combines coming down the road directly at us but we squeaked by them without mishap.

It is clear that we are entering into more populated country. There were four convenience stores along the 70 mile route-- in recent days we have gone well over fifty miles without finding any place to buy a cold drink. The vans are always around with plenty of ice water but I am fighting off leg cramps so like to drink orange or grapefruit juice.

The big thing in Mitchell is the Corn Palace-- "the world's only Corn Palace" as a matter of fact. So after we got into the room and cleaned up, it was back on the bikes to ride downtown. Honestly, it was so hot that I really couldn't appreciate the CP, but it is an interesting attraction. First created in 1892, the building is annually decorated with murals and motifs made with various colors of corn and other "crop art".

The photo is of my "Keen" feet. I am wearing Keen biking sandals with no socks.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen you with a tan, so I'll look forward to seeing more of your tan lines in August.

